Hunter Boots, Max Studio Stripped Dress, BCBGeneration Coat
Rainy days. I love how it softens the outlines of things. The world becomes delicately blurred, and for some reason I feel at peace and relaxed. With the start of the new year I’ve made it a point to take action on a few simple philosophies that I believe are beneficial to the mind, body and soul.
- Drink more water, drink less alcohol.
- Stop complaining and learn to live life with what you have.
- Exercise more, eat healthy, and go for walks. Long walks.
- Delete the negative, accentuate the positive.
- Do small things with great love.
- Invest in people who invest in you.
- Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.
- Learn to say no without explaining yourself.
- Embrace messy hair, sweatpants and get lost in a book with no one around.
- At some point you have to let go of what you thought should happen and start living in what is happening.
This weekend I’m headed to Lake Tahoe for my birthday. I’m excited to be immersed in nature’s glorious winter wonderland with awesome company. Happy Friday amigos!