[quote][typography font="Homemade Apple" size="26" size_format="px"]¡Si se puede![/typography][/quote]
This past Saturday, July 30th, was a historical day for my family and the newly formed NVMAVA, “Napa Valley Mexican-American Vintners Association.” It was a day to celebrate and toast to the unity of many Latino vintners. Some of the founding board members include Ceja Vineyards, Mi Sueño Winery, Robledo Family Vineyards, Encanto Vineyards, Alex Sotelo, Maldonado Vineyards and many more.
This inaugural event was a celebration of the first and only U.S. wine organization of its kind, whose purpose is to promote and bring awareness to the family owned Hispanic wineries in the Napa Valley. The afternoon festivities were memorable and fun! We feasted on delicious food catered by top Latino chefs from Napa and sipped on wine provided by all of the NVMAVA participating wineries.
It was an exciting afternoon shared with proud family members and friends who have worked so hard to create this important association. My dad, Pedro Ceja, was instrumental in creating the NVMAVA logo, which symbolizes “the inner circles of the Hispanic community coming together.”
As the daughter of two ambitious and hardworking Latino parents, I felt proud and honored to be sharing a part of history that will make an impact on the wine industry. Ole!
{The next generation: my cousin Belen & I}
{My dad giving a speech about the NVMAVA logo}
{Try a splash of our Sexy Ceja Pinot Noir}
{Turquoise dress via French Connection}
{Ceja Vineyards bell symbolizes a "celebration of life"}
{Maldonado Caves}
{Please visit nvmava.org for more info!}